Elder Law Planning
Most aging seniors rely on family or other trusted individuals to help them. As people grow older physiological and psychological problems can arise increasing dependence on these individuals. This can make an elder vulnerable to abuse or financial exploitation. To counter this legal arrangements should be made by family to shield their loved ones from abuse.
Elder Law is functionally different from estate planning. Elder law establishes a plan and protections to preserve your income, money and assets, for your benefit and care, while you are still alive. Estate planning focuses on distributing assets in a manner that is to your benefit with regard to taxes. While many elders may have prepared their estate. Elder law is critical to ensuring that a person is not exploited when they are at their most vulnerable. Preserving their assets for their own care and the care of their loved ones.
Elder Law Services
Bequest Law specializes in elder law which encompasses many different areas of law serving the elderly and disabled. These include
- Special Needs Planning
- Special Needs Trusts
- Social Security Disability Law
- Disability planning
- Guardianship or Conservatorship
- Wills
- Medicare and Medicaid
- Financial and healthcare decision-making through powers of attorney
- End of life decision making through advance directives or living wills

116-M Edwards Ferry Road NE, Leesburg, VA 20176
(703) 443-2300